The SGAP team established the following Mission and Vision statements for SGAP that align with Heidelberg’s institutional Mission and Vision:
HU 10-Year Strategic Mission Statement
Heidelberg will deliver student lives of purpose with distinction through community inclusiveness, integrated curricular and co-curricular programs, and global water education, research, and commercialization.
HU 10-Year Strategic Vision Statement
Heidelberg will be the top rated, ranked, and valued educational institution among our regional peers.
Strategic Goals, Objectives and Key Strategic Initiatives
Meeting consistently since November of 2020, the SGAP team created the enclosed plan to accomplish four overarching goals to help us achieve our Mission and approach our Vision:
- Heidelberg Value - Gain Competitive Educational Market Advantages
- Enrollment Growth - Expand Student Educational Opportunity
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity - Become A More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Learning Community
- Financial Sustainability - Strengthen Resilience for University Sustainability
After finalizing the Four Strategic Goals, the SGAP Steering Committee established a list of Strategic Objectives to help Heidelberg accomplish each Strategic Goal and the SGAP Mission and approach the SGAP Vision. The SGAP Steering Committee then identified Key Strategic Initiatives to achieve each objective. There is significant overlap between the Four Strategic Goals, the 19 Strategic Objectives, and the 52 Key Strategic Initiatives (KSIs). in the SGAP. In combination, they work together to achieve the SGAP Mission and aspire to the SGAP Vision. The entire plan was informed and strengthened by our higher education market analysis, a SWOT analysis of each overarching goal, and the identification of critical success factors.
Heidelberg must successfully execute the KSIs listed in the SGAP plan to accomplish our institutional objectives, reach our goals, and realize the strategic vision and mission identified by the SGAP committee. The purpose of the SGAP is for Heidelberg University to survive the current crises (demographic changes and changing market demands, both of which were accelerated by COVID-19), and thrive in the competitive market of 21st century higher education. In order to survive and thrive, Heidelberg University must accelerate and achieve greater transformation, innovation, differentiation, and value over the next five years and beyond.
Upon finalizing the KSIs and Objectives, the SGAP team identified the KSIs that were most urgent, most important, and most transformational for the institution to help prioritize the execution of SGAP initiatives. The SGAP Steering Committee identified the following top KSIs:
Heidelberg University SGAP Top KSI Priorities
Goal 1: Heidelberg Value - Gain Competitive Educational Market Advantages
Goal 2: Enrollment Growth - Expand Student Educational Opportunity
Goal 3: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity - Become A More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Learning Community
Goal 4: Financial Sustainability - Strengthen Resilience for University Sustainability